I am Greg Dragon and I write Science Fiction.
Throughout my youth, the one thing that stayed consistent was art in all its various shapes. I’ve dabbled, dived, and experienced them all, from drawing to sculpting, painting, and writing. Yet, at the heart of everything that I have become, writing, I’ve found to be my raison d’etre—free-style painting worlds through prose on pages, screens, and audiobooks.
If you have any questions or want to connect with me, don’t hesitate to contact me here.
Official Bio - For Media Resources
Greg Dragon brings a fresh perspective to fiction by telling human stories of life, love, and relationships in a science fiction setting. This unconventional author spins his celestial scenes from an imagination nurtured from being an avid reader himself. His exposure to multiple cultures, religions, martial arts and travel lends a unique dynamic to his stories. You can enjoy excerpts from his work by visiting his website at https://gregdragon.com.